Library at Ryde East Public School
The purpose of the school library is to support teaching and learning within the total program of the school. The teacher-librarian collaborates with teachers in the planning, implementing and evaluating of teaching and learning programs, including the integration of Information Communications Technology and literacy.
The teacher-librarian provides students with opportunities to develop information skills and to use these skills competently and with confidence for lifelong learning.
The library is open for general reading, games and colouring during lunchtime. Students are also able to return books during lunch.
Every Thursday during lunchtime from 1:15 pm till 2:00 pm the school chess club is taking place in the library. These lesson are run by the Sydney academy of chess.
Please see the school app for further details.
There are two ways you can access the PRC, one simple way I recommend is just google PRC and you will get to this webpage and you will find the main login, click on it an then just enter the students DEC login name and password, then you will enter inside the PRC main page, on the right hand side then click on the word Login, then click student reading records and then proceed to enter the books either through their Id numbers or titles or authors.
The second way is: A link to the Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) website can be found in the student portal under the 'Learning' section. Students are also able to add a link to the PRC in the My Link List section to make the PRC easier to find. Public school students can also log in directly to the PRC website using their Department of Education (DoE) username and password. These are the same details a student would use to access the student portal and the computer network at school. If you are unaware of your username and/or password, please contact your class teacher or Mrs Karevski and ask for your student portal username and password.
All students now have access to our school's library system 'Oliver'. You can access Oliver via the Department of Education student portal - if you do not know your log in details please contact the librarian.
Students can use Oliver in a number of ways:
- search for a resource in the Ryde PS library and other listed libraries
- reserve a book (older students)
- look at their current loans and their loan history (this is a great way to help you add PRC books into the system)
- check to see if a book is overdue
- find out if a book belongs in the Premier's Reading Challenge list
- write book reviews and give books a rating out of 5, and find links other interesting sites