What is the role of the kindergarten teacher?
The teacher’s role is to:
- ensure that the first year of school is a positive experience for children
- create a positive learning experience
- nurture individual children’s development
- identify the stage of development of each child in the following areas:
physical - emotional - social - intellectual - language - identify the particular factors, which will affect the growth and development of the individual child.
- set realistic long and short term teaching/learning objectives based on information gathered about individual children.
- create links between individual children’s previous experiences and the learning program.
- plan and implement a teaching program which will develop each child’s knowledge, skills and attitudes in all areas of his/her development and which can be seen as part of an on-going process, building on previous experiences and preparing the child for future learning.
- inform parents/carers about the learning process and about their children’s progress at school.
- involve parents/carers in the learning process.